Login Step 1: If user comes to Abc application page and wants to login & trade via Enrich Step 2: Show enrich logo in the login page of Abc once the user clicks enrich logo then redirect to the following URL. UAT URL: https://uat-frontend.enrichmoney.in:3001/partner/login?partner=ABC LIVE URL: We will issue shortly Note Partner = Partner name need to hardcode from your end. Step 3: User authentication will be done in the redirection page (enrich) once login successful we will initiate callback to the following URL UAT Call back URL(Abc): https://www.Abc.in/callback?x-authorization=authorization&userid=userid Step 4: Post getting authorization from step 4 use the same for communicating with our API Step 5: Get user-Id from JWT claims this will require to further API calls Step 6: In all the API’s must to pass “Authorization”, “user-Id”